Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Paranormal and Me

By Joan

I didn't become interested in the paranormal till my late teens. I was also passionate about astrology, tarot, and spirituality as well. I was always keenly interested in things that were "different". I didn’t have many personal experiences with ghosts but I just KNEW they existed. Some of my friends and family looked down on me for these interests of mine and I'd sometimes feel guilty or "weird". Thankfully I grew out of that stage of caring what anyone thought about me. I also learned it was important to surround myself with like-minded friends. My interest in ghosts and investigating is what led me to become involved in the formation of CAPRS. We have good people here and are looking for more. So, please come join us and let's go investigating!

What to do with the paranormal

By Mike

Where does one begin when trying to describe what led to the pursuit of the paranormal? For me it's a simple matter of having seen and heard enough to know that there's more to our daily lives than what meets the eye. And when I say that I have seen, I am saying face to face and eye to eye contact with what was, and then suddenly was not, there. What could best be described as an intelligent haunt that, at the time, was terrifying but would be most welcome now. When I say that I have heard, I am saying that the voices were crystal clear and the messages were received. One was foolishly ignored with disasterous consequences. Not that anyone was around to say "I told you so" but still the warning is remembered.

Now some may have a hard time believing what I say, and no doubt I can understand their point of view. I was once among the ranks of the non-believers. But having been been blessed with these experiences, I know that there is nothing I can say to convince anyone that there are things that exist and remain unseen. This is something that you must experience for yourself.

After years of putting off my study of the paranormal I am now able to pursue this subject as much as I like. Perhaps I will never be able to prove the existence of spirits, but I will enjoy trying. Finding out the true nature of what I have seen and heard may not happen, but in this instance it is the thrill of the hunt. Luckily I have happened upon some really great people to help me in this endeavor. That would be the people of CAPRS. Thanks!! Anyone care to join us? There would be the firsthand experience needed to know the truth.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

If the Spirit Moves You

By Louise

Welcome to the official blog of Cape Atlantic Paranormal Research Society (CAPRS)!

I often ask myself why the paranormal has always been so fascinating to me. I can still remember my first book report written in the seventh grade. It was about extrasensory perception (ESP). The story of Abraham Lincoln’s dreams that foretold of his assassination were particularly fascinating to me. Does he now haunt the halls of the White House? Some stories claim that he does! Wouldn’t that be an interesting place for paranormal research!

The paranormal encompasses many things. It is defined as something that cannot be scientifically explained. You can study it your whole life but to truly appreciate what lays beyond explanation it must be experienced. This is were the spirit has moved our members … to a place of fascination and experience.

We dedicate ourselves to study and document circumstances surrounding paranormal activities and hope these experiences will positively enlighten us individually in our own unique way.

If the spirit has moved you and you are interested in becoming a member please visit our website at: